92y award bullets

Sergeant Shaw's professionalism and attention to detail contributed immensely to maintaining accountability and distribution of more the 19 million dollers worth of parts and the success of day to day operations during Operation Spartan Shield. Her enthusiasm, ability to adapt, and meticulous attention to detail ensured the timely and professional handling of the division's administrative functions. 92Y Unit Supply Specialist 92Z Senior Noncommissioned Logistician General Examples If the MOS is not provided with the contribution, it will be listed here by default. His/Her experience in aviation operations led to his section accomplishing all assigned missions. To ensure that the squad was able to properly account for all assigned equipment, SGT Doe devised and implemented a system of marking squad and individual equipment, which facilitated easy identification of Basic Issue Items (BII) and other pieces of organizational equipment. Provided the BDE Commander and staff with a clear, current, and precise situational template of the impending threat, focusing on areas of concentrated enemy activity and enabling them to conduct the MDMP process for the transition forward. SSG Doe produced pertinent Balkans products that informed the commander and staff on key events and issues affecting deployed US forces. Authored and implemented a financial liability investigations process SOP for use by Task Force Stryker brigades which ended investigation delays, Completed over 120 financial liability investigations which improved control and inventory of Task Force Stryker supplies, Coordinated the successful movement of all classes of Supply and equipment for EFMB, Maintained meticulous accountability of over $35 million worth of installation, PBO, and equipment, Assisted in the movement of all equipment to new motorpool with zero losses, Coordinated complex logistical procurements and resources for over one hundred Soldiers, Maintained diligent responsibility for the main body's supply needs and had required parts in place before they were required, Maintained control of over one million dollars in equipment, 452 National Stock Numbers of class 2 orders, in excess of 100 multi-line-item orders of Class 4 items and 160 Class 9 orders, providing 20 million dollars of ready to fight aviation assets to the 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions, Maintained complete accountability of all supplies, records, and sensitive items, Conducted CSDPs for DRUs within the BN which resulted in an increased passing rate of the BN, Orchestrated the issue and turn-in of Class VIII supplies for BN FTX, Continued success in escalating responsibility in various positions from Stock control NCO to his selection as BN S4 Senior Supply Sergeant, Served as the Detachment Sergeant for MRICD on numerous occasions, In addition to his regular assigned duties, SSG Taylor volunteered and exceeded requirements as Environmental Compliance Officer, Radiation Hazard monitor, Command Supply Discipline Program monitor, Range Safety Officer, Voting Assistance Officer, and Information Management Officer, Achieved recognition as best supply room in 10th MT Division during COMET Team inspections in January 2012, Key part of the BDE S-4 day to day operations. ACHIEVEMENT #2As a Petroleum Supply Specialist in ____ Company, __RANK & Name__ was vital to the refuel operation for _#_ UH-60M helicopters providing air assault, counter IED, and battlefield circulation support throughout Multi-National Division- North. They are the moral, ethical and professional attributes of character. AIA,CSI Vice President, Marketing and Sales, ARCOM 801. With little notice, SPC Doe quickly transitioned from a CT subject matter expert to a current intelligence analyst where he was placed on the CG Black Book production team. He maintained and developed all-source intelligence products that were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 battalion and brigade high value targets. During this period Specialist Laverdure oversaw the management of logistic support of the Battalion. Her/His attention to detail helped the unit maintain 100% compliance with 24 consecutive reconciliations (RECONs) and assisted with the lateral transfer and turn-in of a Theater Property Book (TPE) hand receipt valued over $_______. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. As the detachment's mail handler, PFC Doe constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective detachment level mail storage facility, which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain accountability and manage distribution of the Soldiers' personal mail and parcels. All of them shot 4 bullets. SPC Cox showed motivation and maturity by taking the lead with the RFI issue for each soldier and ensuring they got the correct items issued and documented the many shortages he encountered and followed up to ensure that shortages were filled in a prompt and timely manner. Contributing to the high level of morale in the unit, he ensured that all mail was delivered to personnel within 24 hours. His ability to effectively manage and complete complex tasks normally given to junior level NCOs, was instrumental to the success of the branch during an extended period of NCO shortages. Her influence enhanced the CDSP of the Battalion. She meticulously sorted through and distributed 95 abandoned crates of bulk class IX repair parts valued at more than $140,000. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK & Name__ distinguished herself/himself through her/his excellent performance while conducting the Company's change of command in __Date__. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the BCT S2. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. SGT Doe assisted the motor sergeant numerous times in performing 3rd Shop level services, significantly reducing vehicle downtime, and keeping the fleet at a 95 percent readiness rate throughout the deployment. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen? She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. o maintained unit records IAW applicable regulations for Troop Command COMET inspection, including 99% overall score on CSDP, o executes assigned and implied tasks without supervision, including transport of 184 pieces of equipment to new arms and supply rooms with zero losses, o advise 11 Officers and one senior NCO on 10 major logistic and personnel platforms, including PBUSE, SAMS-E and LOGSA, o managed office supply, expendable item process, o meticulously rebuilt over 20 component listing documents in the PBUSE system, drastically increasing the unit's ability to accurately recognize and fill shortages, o efficiently managed, inventoried, and distributed MTOE property valued at $48,789,582; resulting in zero loss of the commander's organizational property, o accounted for 100% of all SSA supply requisitions; culminating in a commendable rating as a result of his strict adherence of the CSDP, o Senior logistics advisor for 581 personnel in an Aviation Maintenance organization; reduced delays for parts by 50%, o performed supervisory duties for 16 logistical personnel; ensured proper guidance, mentorship & training throughout California, o conducted monthly classes for subordinates; expanded job knowledge and ensured maximum supply efficiency, o ensured the accountability and serviceability of $65 million worth of property; returned $40,000 to unit at end of FY, o conducted inventories and maintained records in accordance with regulations and standard operating procedures; perfect accounting improved fiscal foresight and budgeting, o incorporated an aggressive Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) training plan for all supply personnel; reduced losses of government property, o researched and determined disposition of excess material; reclaimed over $20,000 in maintenance funds, o processed receipts and cancellations meticulously; resulted in perfect accountability of $25 million in excess equipment, o analyzed statistical data and created briefings for superiors; identified trends, conformance to standards, directives, and efficiency, o conducted end-to-end logistical planning including joint, conventional and modular logistics during full spectrum operations; improved readiness, o managed the Government Purchase Card (GPC) program; sustained unit-level operations, o analyzed maintenance and readiness data utilizing automated systems; determined unit equipment readiness shortfall and took action to restore it, o managed over 671 pieces of property book equipment, worth over 2.1 million dollars, resulting in zero losses or damage, while supporting two FTXs and two ATs (92Y30), o led Soldier to display initiative in absence of orders, resulted in an independent and decentralized section capable of efficiently conduction critical supply activities, o motivated Soldiers to achieve a high standard of excellence in all commodity shops; ensured the battalion, brigade and division standards were enforced throughout, o counseled one Junior NCO and four Soldiers on company supply systems; resulted in a fully capable section that consistently enhanced the unit s mission success, o ensured the Command Supply Discipline Program was enforced effectively and efficiently; resulted in Soldier comprehension and adherence to all standards, o coached, mentored, and imparted knowledge with a new Supply Sergeant and Supply Clerk; resulted in zero lost efficiency of all company supply systems, o maintained accountability of 1,422 items of organizational equipment, valued in excess $5 million during the ITC with zero losses or discrepancies, o managed the company budget, created a system to prioritized COEI shortages, and filled 6,494.60 of shortages; resulted in improved company capabilities, o completed the 204 page Company Property Book Encyclopedia with pictures and all information pertaining to every End item, COEI, and BII on the property book, o initiated his nomination to compete in the Supply Excellence Award for FY 11-12; demonstrated the willingness to constantly seek to improve his knowledge of logistics, o received commendation from Division Inspector and G-4 for organizational and supply systems implemented; recommended for Unit Supply Excellence Award, o identified by the Division G-4 for his knowledge of logistics; a gifted leader whose performance marks him as the quintessential professional within the logistics realm, o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment, worth in excess of 15 million dollars, o the sole supply sergeant for Headquartes and Headquarters Company, TF Spartan, supported over 550 soldiers of FOB Finley-Shields, o his assistance to logistics personnel in other units of JLTF 7 was key in making sure the Task Force exceeded its assigned mission, o developed and maintained accurate tracking mechanism to account for all class of supply far exceeding the standard, o established Unit Supply Operations in an area with no life support in place and obtained all supplies necessary to support combat operations, o maintained strict accountability of over $200,000.00 dollars of Government Equipment, o supplied support for over 20 vehicle convoys in and aroud the City of Al Hillah, Iraq, o assisted and supported 18 series Soldiers in over 10 Direct Action missions by supplying security overwatch as a .50 Cal gunner, o her hard work and attention to detail during pre-mobilization and mobilization ensured the unit arrived in thater ready to accept all duties, and accomplish all missions immediately, o trained and mentored 2 soliders to successfully compete for and win solider of the month (92Y30), o demonstrated exceptional MOS knowledge; managed three Property Book Hand Receipts and 35 Sub-hand receipt Holders for equipment valued over $25 million (92Y30), o promoted teamwork at all levels of logistical operations within the Task Force by assisting all cells with procurement, o Diligent in making sure sections update hand receipts for assigned equipment, o always volunteered for advon operations to ensure equiment was in place for the main body, o helped TAC G4 office Primary Hand Receipt Holder inspect and laterally transfer crew-served weapons and ammunition to unit property book with zero deficiencies, o arranged for the safe transportation of crew-served weapons to Camp Phoenix for technical and acceptance inspection, o assisted Marine EOD specialists and ANA forces with forklift support for downloading and movement of HMMWV Mine Rollers, o volunteered to assist and train ANA on ground operations at Camp Blackhorse, o provided critical forklift support to the marines and ANA forces at Pol-E-Charki, Afghanistan, o coordinated crane support to load three TAC containers, two HMMWVs, and a trailer onto trucks for transportation to Gamberi Garrison, o used a fork lift to help move tri-wall boxes into our storage containers in preparation for the TAC's relocation to Gamberi Garrison, o received recognition from the 8th Army Commander and CSM for rewriting of the arms room standing operating procedures (92Y40G3), o volunteered for 3 sucssesful deployments to Iraq ISO operations, o enabled the battalion's successful completion of its army training and evaluation programs and two major field exercises, o maintained careful oversight, had zero FLIPL's over the course of eight Change of Commands and two deployments, o produced greatly improved supply programs for the battalion, o selected to participate in honor guard activities, o his property book management was integral to lateral transfers that reduced inefficiency and the accountability of unit arms room equipment valued at more than $100,000, o maintained extreme jurisprudence in 100% accountabilty of over $39.5M resulting in zero losses (92Y30), o improved Battalion supply, maintenance, and financial programs and produced a 20% increase in Battalion equipment serviceability rates, o administered supply and logistics so well that the Battalion completed its Army Training and Evaluation Programs and two major field exercises ahead of schedule, o recognized by Squadron commander for phenomenal property accountability procedures during change of command and unit reset operations, o had to be constantly reminded to counsel and mentor Soldiers on a regular basis (needs improvement), o placed first place during 504th MP Bn command supply discipline inspection, o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment, worth in excess of $5.5 million, o arranged specialized transportation for the deployment of six working dogs and six working dog teams to Iraq, o efforts during pre-mobilization and mobilization ensured the unit arrived in theater equipped for and ready for missions, o supplied material support for over 25 vehicle convoys in and aroud the City of Al Hillah, Iraq, o selected by the 42d CSM to instruct the JBLM Post-Partum physical training program, o consolidated, maintained stock of repair parts during movement from FOB Delta to COS Kalsu ALSU, ensured minimal down time for the maintenance section, o coordinated successful redeployment of 1,300 personnel and their equipment from Iraq to the U.S. of an 11 Company strong BN, o supervised all mandatory clearing activities from COB Adder and Kuwait of 11 Companies and the BN, o oversight contributed to zero containers being delayed in Kuwait during redeploymento NCOIC of ADVON to Kuwait that was instrumental in the successful throughput of BN soliders and equipment to the US, o section operated at high level with total professionalism during final months of deployment when attentions can be diverted, o recognized all Soldiers in his section for missions completed during OIF 09-11o mentored junior supply sergeants through redeployment process utilizing experience from previous redeployments, o executed comprehensive RIP-TOA with incoming BN, o trained CO supply sergeants continuously in accountability during final months to ensure no surprises during redeployment, o responsible for successful input in LIW and tracking of BN equipment into the RESET program to final turn-in at Ft. Click on a Tab to View Bullets. Planned, coordinated and implemented a wholesale revision of the J3 Combined Task Force Intelligence Cell that lead to significant improvements in organization, targeting and dissemination of intelligence. CMF 92 Logistics Award Examples 92A Automated Logistical Specialist 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist 92G Food Service Specialist 92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist 92R Parachute Rigger 92S Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist 92W Water Treatment Specialist 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Issues and receives small arms and ammunition. In preparation for the annual CSDP inspection, SGT Yost demonstrated a relentless commitment to his job and conducted all available pre-inspection checklists to ensure the inspection was a success and the program was in accordance with all regulations. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. He set the example for his peers to emulate by meticulously maintaining his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensuring that he was able to perform a mission at a moments notice. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corpsby far the best in the battalion. His imagery analysis directly facilitated combat operations in Baghdad which resulted in the discovery of numerous weapons caches, capture of over 1,100 insurgent members, destruction of 3 indirect fire teams, and execution of hundreds of deliberate route clearance missions. 24 hours have seen high level of morale in the unit, he ensured that all mail was to! You have seen section accomplishing all assigned missions of character and professional handling of the 's... Experience in aviation operations led to his section accomplishing all assigned missions this period Specialist Laverdure oversaw the of... 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