adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson

However, when Hope magically absorbed the Hollow's soul, the constant whispering nearly drove her insane. She doesn't care about his game and questions why this decision is up to her. With Cleo's departure from the school, Hope rushes back to the gym to update Alaric. Likewise, she apologizes for sending him on a fool's errand, but wonders if he's had any luck. Hope threatens her again and is forced to talk, however, she quickly begins to combust into fire. Hope speeds up the process by casting incendia, just in case. MG meets up with them and gives her a necklace which she de-spells, finally defeating the croatoan. Aurora de Martel appears behind her, noting that she sees her father within her. Opting to expel him, she gives him a syringe of her blood and drops it onto his arm. Losing Landon won't be easy, but is sure that out of them he'll have the easiest time finding peace. While back inside the school, they talk about the various objects in the library and their respective lives. Humanity Hope reasons that once she figures that out, then she can be rid of her for good. They're all pathetic and just little boys role-playing war. Ken doesn't understand how, but as she claims, monsters rarely do. You are very feminine, with great features of. It's clear why theyre here, and she isn't interested in verbal sparring. He prepared a nursery next to Hayley's room. Humanity is just the strength to not give in to them and she believes that she is the most emotional person she's met and she knows Lizzie. Confronted with her betrayal, he removes the spear. Together, the mix in the remains with clay and she sculpts a bust of Landon. The woman can't wait to meet her and Hope hangs up the phone and finishes loading her car. They echo that the situation was too easy, and it becomes clear that the gremlin used Cleo as bait just as they tried to use Landon. Unable to run, Lizzie asks Hope to enter the Miss Mystic Falls pageant on her behalf rather than Josie. He also reveals he knows about them being from Mystic Falls and Alaric's school for the supernatural. As a young child, Hope was a kind and gentle girl. He wants to torture him until he gives her proof that Landon is still alive. Hope stops him again, stating that she was only nice to him because of Landon. As he comes closer to the ground, she vamps to him, punching him midair with enough force to throw him into a train car. They come out of a root cellar and meet the pyromancer, she seems to want the knife but they don't give it so she attacks them. Josie is as much her blindspot as Landon is Hope's. As production of the musical is well underway, Landon approaches her again. Hope removes herself to the art room and lashes out, throwing paint onto a canvas. She and Lizzie continue to argue until Landon and Cleo intervene. Hope reassures her that "there's always a loophole" and they will fix the situation. Ken easily stops it, unaffected by Kaleb's assault. She's also a witch descended from the Mikaelson Bloodline one of the most magically powerful lineages. He's been looking for her as she and her friend has been putting on quite a show, beating their games, and not caring who knew what they were. Convinced that Hope's humanity has returned, Lizzie tells her about the tree they created and how it can kill her. Despite their awkward relationship, he could use her help since the musical is about the founding of the school and she is more familiar with the people that founded it, which included her dad. He explains that he's sent him back to the real world, or what he imagines what's left of it. This implicates that her werewolf nature as an Evolved Werewolf with the ability of Transformation Control. Landon, however, points out that he doesn't believe he needs it. Hope points out that she wanted to kill her, only for Lizzie to remind her that she actually did kill her and put her father into a coma. She is forgiving to MG when she thought he killed her boyfriend Landon. She shows him a piece of paper that Lizzie stuck on her door that reads "No Tribrids Allowed". Freya thinks that she's already better than all of them and her parents would agree. She tells Landon she has to get to class but asks him what he thinks it was that he saw at the church, she is surprised he got "werewolves" figured out quickly. He muses what a gift it is to be able to leave her one last message. She then encounters Landon in the woods and uses his jacket to cover up. Hope sends in Kaleb, using his dragon fire. This is new information to Landon as he's missed a lot since being in Limbo. After Lizzie gets Aurora to tell her plan during one of her episode, Hope reveals to Aurora that her brother is not there and that it's Lizzie. MG questions why she even needs weapons. Her role as Hope Mikaelson in The CW "Legacies" is her latest show and the one for which she is most known, 30 episodes and counting. She asks him what's going on and Hayley tells her that he's the one who led the others to her in the church attic. Cleo and Hope bring the creature to the gym of the Salvatore School, kept bound and muted with various spells. The school was founded with a single mission: To create a safe space for young supernaturals. He invites her into the home and she walks in. He's sure that since she won't feed, she'll die alone, broken and pitiful. The Ferryman raises the scythe intending to strike Hop; however, she grabs the scythe, taking it from him. It's gratitude because she no longer needs his help. They probably all have the same question and ask who is going to be their new headmaster. Genevieve and Monique Deveraux inform her that they plan on sacrificing the baby for The Ancestors. The Necromancer takes a moment and realizes all too late that Hope is still very much alive and has been blinded by love. She moves in to attack next, though Rupert tells her that she's still not enough and he defeats her. Later that night, she gives back Lizzie the dress and the two share their problems with each other. Hope again battles with dark Josie but is incapacitated when she's turned to stone. She tells Elijah she hates him and he says he hates himself too, her eyes temporarily glow the blue color the Hollow had, and magically claws him repeatedly on his body. He explains that they've had a breakthrough. Hope tells her that they'll be watching Gremlins. She's still blocked and has nothing. Things are different how, however, and they've changed for the better. In City Beneath The Sea, Hope is at the bayou with her mom and the wolves. Somewhere, deep inside, she knows what she's doing is wrong. Cleo abhors violence, but she panicked when it was going to harm Alaric. She is also a main character in Legacies . After siring Lizzie, Hope realizes that she's made rash choices because she doesn't care about what happens to herself or anything and needs Lizzie to be her humanity compass. She wants to sever the connection between it and the Necromancer and the prison world will collapse and destroy everything inside of it, including Malivore. Great. Hope awakens not long after, wondering where Lizzie has gone, however Lizzie returns having rejected the Keeper's deal after realizing Hope would die. Plan-b kicks in and is is revealed that Lizzie is in fact alive, given her life force was linked with Landon's. Taking a rack and placing it around his head, she decapitates him under the heel of her foot. Lizzie vamps behind Ken and screams out for them to take the spear as she siphons from him. The next move is hers. She then turns to face Landon to talk but he is too upset to talk and walks away without saying a word, leaving her visibly sad. She has Roman tell her and is speechless to hear that the dress was a gift her father gave the twins' mother. Gates are a common symbol in dreams as they represent thresholds in life. Again, he fails. Trudy said they shouldn't waste any time if they both knew what they wanted. Hope muses if they could skip the monologue to the part where she tells her why Ken didn't show up. If she needs a sounding board to figure out her problem, she's going to have to look elsewhere as she doubts anyone will be as forgiving as MG. Lizzie however appears at the cells, asking if they can talk. Hope believes she doesn't get that choice, because it was taken from her when she turned; however, Freya and Rebekah believe otherwise, because Klaus was able to father a child with Hayley. He believes them to be beautiful and poetic, and it shows her dad in such a great light. At a bar, a knock rings out and a man approaches the door's peephole. Hope refuses to believe this was just a dream. Later, Rebekah wakes wondering if Hope was really going to leave her dumped on the side of the road. As the world's first hybrid of three supernatural species - a witch, a werewolf, and a vampire; the full extent or limits of Hope's powers are currently unknown. She fears Klaus will try to take their daughter away from her. Klaus told Rebekah that despite their differences, there was nobody else he would trust more with the life of his daughter. He declares this version of her isn't worth dying for and walks out with the others. In January, the CW renewed Legacies for a third season, so there's another round of vampire-slash-werewolf-slash-witch-slash-student drama to come. She hugs him and Alaric promises that they will figure everything out together. After he jumps out of the window, Hope is told by Dorian that Alaric wants to see her and to pack her things up as she's being suspended. As they scramble on the ground, fear covers their faces as Ken has had enough. With Trudy in the kitchen, Hope inspects photos on the mantle. Hope pushes the banshee for more answers, particularly with Cleo gone, will Landon be safe. In Queen Death, Hope sees Elijah's spirit in Freya pendent as she touches Freya's shoulder, both of whom sense that his mind has shattered. With the loss of students and tuition, Lizzie plans to conduct a fundraiser month, with activities throughout to bring in funds and asks for more suggestions. Hope sometimes jokes with Alaric saying that she'll need a new fighting mentor being Alaric is growing older. Quite a break-out opportunity for a budding starlet, and one that must have prepared her well to take on her career-defining role in The Originals. Freya has told her what happened and she apologizes for missing her big day. In turn, Alaric thanks her for being the third-best daughter. As he leaves, Hayley is seen typing the sentence Sabine repeated onto her laptop. She and Rafael stand and she asks him a final question. Hope explains that as powerful as being the tribrid makes her, she has been waltzing into traps, being blindsided ever since she shut off my humanity. Aurora succumbs to the fatal wound and dies. She was then born in The Originals season one episode From a Cradle to a Grave. Later that night and on a deserted road outside Mystic Falls, a driver stops in the middle of the road. Hope is in a similar situation as to Jade who also had her humanity off. Eventually, during their fight, she notices the word Luctus on his collarbone, realizing he's a golem. Angry, Hope sets off to find Alaric the proof he needs. In this situation, if he's running from Malivore, she has the leverage. Cleo suggests it sell it for what they need to save the school and the woman accepts. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. As she and Roman talk, she tells him to leave and she begins to feel pain, and her eyes glow, triggering her curse due to Bill's death. Freya wakes up and calls Rebekah who tells Elijah she is with Hope in the woods. The betrayal forced Hope to feel a flicker of emotion that made her question her humanity, especially Lizzie's comparison of Hope to a monster. After Seylah jumps in Malivore and erases their memories of her, except Hope, they head back to the school, with Landon joining as well. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. He receives a note informing that she, Lizzie and Josie are summoned by the headmaster. Cleo wonders if it is so painful, why doesn't she just leave. Ben confronts Hope about being the one to hurt Jed and employs Dr. Saltzman to let him leave to protect the school. In the woods, Hope confronts Landon about his behavior. They embrace in a final kiss goodbye as Hope stabs Landon through the heart with her blood sword. Hope's humanity questions if she needs her help and she barks back, telling her to shut up. He has four hidden figures covered in sheets. The girls continue to have a strong friendship and mutual connection, with Josie ensuring Hope didn't feel alone before her transition into a tribrid. god judges the righteous and the wicked. She questions him again whether or not his boat will take her to peace. Dahlia also notes that Hope's magic will be tainted by Klaus' vampire blood as well as the aggressive wolf temperament. Unbeknownst to him, she's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to cross over. Back in her room, she shares her plan with Landon, since the prison world is bound to the Necromancer, she wants to take a play out of Kai's playbook. Hope is told that her dad did move on however he's concerned about Hope and that he wouldn't stop watching over her until she finally forgives herself. Hope and Lizzie spend the rest of the day talking about Hope and why she didn't reveal herself to everyone when she returned from Malivore. She demands to know what she's done, but it's completely out of Aurora's hands. They catch up over drinks, particularly Brandy. He's not that guy anymore. Hope pins Aurora to the wall, letting her hang by her hands as she recovers. Landon reciprocates, stating he's going to miss all of it, but wouldn't trade a second of it. Hope talks with Alaric, Lizzie and Josie via astral projection, and Alaric warns her about Kai. Aurora is killed and Hope has MG vamp to Lizzie. Agatha can't, otherwise she'll be just as dead and shows her own Triad sigil on her thigh. Hope responds that she wants to be alone. Klaus and Elijah try to find them, but they had cast a spell that creates the illusion of a maze. Hope will have to listen to her humanity to win. Landon, however, is always on her side and he'd do it all again. In a rage, Hayley growls that she wanted to put the baby out of it's misery, a comment which Klaus begins to choke her over, showing he clearly cares for the baby. She attempts to attack Hope, and she questions which wants to die first. They're all complicated and Hope has the very best parts of Klaus in her. She asks if he's going to be okay, but he turns the question on her. At the compound, she and her father talk as it's revealed that her mother has truly gone missing when she is not at the place she put her in with a cloaking spell. Despite winning the vote to come, she's still upset that the only reason she's here is because MG can keep an eye on her. They'll face Ken together. In Alone with Everybody, Hope is with her parents as her mom takes them to her old friend Hollis who is surprised to learn since the last time he saw Hayley she had since become a mother. At the wedding, she was a speech on the fact that this day was the best because they were all together and she had the impression to be part of the "Always and Forever". This is MG's big ploy, Salvatore Idol. They've assumed that the gremlin just happened to grab her, but doesn't believe it to be random. Her humanity appears, offering for her to take the left handed one. She listens as Freya gives her eulogy and as her mother's body is lit on fire, she tells her goodbye. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Hope is mentioned by Marcel when he reminds Elijah he saved her life as a newborn. Ryan ultimately decides he'll do anything but be a meatsuit for Malivore, apologizes to Hope and leaves. After composing herself and acting cool, she tells him that she got suspended, which he tells her that's cool. On the ride home, she and Lizzie talk more, and when Hope tells her that it wasn't her who did those awful things, they both look at Josie, who has a guilty look. He goes on to mention how at the beginning he didn't care for his child, but after remembering how Mikael despised him since birth he had a change of heart because he doesn't want to end up being exactly like his father was to him. Landon's hands begin to glow and the screen flashes to life with significant moments between her and Klaus. Hope watches as Lizzie begs Josie to kill her with Kurruta's blade, ending the oni and her suffering. She turns away from them as she refuses to make the same mistakes her father did - caring about family or love. Fears Klaus will try to find Alaric the proof he needs her as... 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adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson