danny shelton 3abn biography

I reminded her that ALL beans are forbidden on the Health Plan while a person is getting well from cancer or any other life-threatening disease. Since 1991 or so, I have been a guest a number of times on 3ABN. Another subject: It has posted numerous letters and documents that indicate the network was aware of allegations against Shelton decades ago. Danny that land instead. Where is your obligation to pursue truth? If so, why hasn't it already been done? Here is a copy of the first e-mail I sent to Danny in response to his offer to send me a copy of a tape that he has. There is no one on earth who will back you in your statement. Once again you are wrong. The tape only recorded Lindas voice. But again, my traveling to Southern Illinois to obtain the DNA test specimens has raised more questions than it has answered. 3ABN suedover Tommy! A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. During the conversation, Danny refused to meet with Linda with or without me present and said that Linda actually owed him money in the divorce. There had to be a hidden, overwhelming factor driving him to get rid of his wife with the greatest speed and in the most public, most vicious, and most inhumane way possible, and totally eliminating any trace of her picture or her name from 3ABN. Who IS the father of Trinity Murray? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. with his former wife, Linda Sue Shelton. After introducing himself to Danny, he pulled him aside and said, I dont know why Im telling you this, but I believe a satellite uplink station could be built here in southern Illinois out in the Thompsonville area. Interestingly, Clarence volunteered this information with no knowledge of Dannys dream. In fact it was just the opposite. Burden of proof on Lorraine. Walker, now 25, alleges that Tommy Shelton sexually abused him when he worked as a production assistant at 3ABN in 2001. As progress on the project continued, Clarence began helping Danny. On $155,688 in income in 2009. I haven't falsely accused ANYONE - not you and not Brandy. While Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack, she became pregnant by a man other than her husband Kevin Murray (according to Brandy) - in May or June of 1999, and gave birth to Trinity on February 26, 2000. The Truth about Salvation: Focus on Truth Series: Author: Danny Shelton: Editor: Yvonne Shelton: Publisher: DLS Publishing, 2021: ISBN: 1736680927 . However, now Danny is accusing me of somehow being underhanded with the testing, because the lab sent the envelopes as noted above. The signature on the line labeled Brandy Shelton on this document is quite different from the signature of Brandy Elswick (her maiden name) on the license for her marriage to Kevin Murray (Brandys second husband, who she divorced just one month before she supposedly arrived at 3ABN for the first time in November of 2004 according to Danny Shelton). All of her previous work experiences prepared her to serve in full-time ministry, which is her joy and passion. Brandy and Shawn Brannack divorced on October 7, 1999 when Brandy was already 4-5 months pregnant by a man other than her husband. For you to develop such a close relationship with another woman in just two months after you had divorced your wife in a Quickie Guam divorce - so close that YOU (not your secretary or someone else at 3 ABN - but YOU, personally) were calling around to find housing for Brandy and her daughters seems rather hard to believe. Firing Linda for no reason, humiliating her publicly, falsely accusing her of adultery, destroying her reputation, and throwing her out of her home, job and marriage on false charges - is NOT Okay with God, irrespective of the unjust laws of the State of Illinois. (Doc. My working with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 places Brandy in the West Frankfort area at the time she became pregnant. Show it. In case you decide to send me a copy of the tape, my address is: Lorraine Day 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feetregarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. I'll tell you what I'll do. (Mollie Steenson and her husband), Evangelical Christians whose tendency can be to adore their leader, some have said, in almost a cultic way. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts. The only time I had ever met Brandy she was 13 years old when her folks came to my house nearly 25 years ago to do a recording. But assuming the child tested was in fact Trinity Murray, then a number of extremely troubling questions remain, questions that raise huge red flags regarding the integrity of Danny Shelton: At the time that I first heard about you and Brandy, I told my friends, in an off-hand casual way, that I had worked with her, not realizing that ANYONE would later claim that she was NOT there at that time. In statement released by 3ABN, the network said Shelton had no reason to come into contact with Walker, who was closely supervised by Walker's older brother. Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. But All of you, including Board Chairman Walter Thompson, have been sycophants for Danny Shelton. In addition, why would a young, attractive woman, a single mother of two children, a non-SDA, leave her home in the Tampa, Florida area, a cosmopolitan area of close to a million people, a state and area full of beaches, bikinis, sunshine, and beach volleyball, a state where her mother and the rest of her family resided, and move to a tiny, obscure, town in rainy, humid, land-locked, Southern Illinois Thompsonville, Illinois - a town of 588 people, with the closest metropolitan area (St. Louis, MO) two hours away by car, to apply for a job at a Seventh-day Adventist television network - in a town where she supposedly knew no one? On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine I'll make this one a little shorter than the last. 00:17 Hello, I'm John Carter. I guess you don't want to help Linda out with the $100,000 I offered you if you could prove that Brandy worked with you here at 3ABN prior to Nov. 2004. That is why Danny and his attorneys wanted a Protective Order so none of this information can be made public. on November 29, 2007, requested documents concerning the gift of these 48 acres of land. Amazingly, on November 23, 1986, just over two years after Danny had been impressed to build it, Three Angels Broadcasting Network began to broadcast on satellite. The average person would assume that you had known her much longer. I'll do better than that. I have written a letter to them. But, on her own, Goldie decided to drink bean juice. And as predicted, she became bloated and unable to eat. Case in point: You just made the statement that I told Linda that if she consulted an attorney prior to signing the agreement she would get nothing. Where did all the money from those book deals go? The theme of the sermon is overcoming sin in the power of Christ. I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything. There is no legitimate reason for them to do so. Currently 3ABN programming is . If not, he should keep his mouth shut. But that was not the case with this child. His friend told him that someone had recently offered to buy his equipment, but he had been strongly impressed to keep it until God directed him otherwise. That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. This was all properly videotaped. In response, the network has sued the group for defamation of character and trademark infringement. But if she did not sign the agreement and someone else signed her name without her knowledge, her quarrel should be with that person not us! I want to hear both sides of any issue I investigate. Therefore, Danny who claims to be the one who taped the conversation has broken the law. So here is the sequence: By definition, according to the Bible and the Seventh-day Adventist church, that makes Danny Shelton the adulterer. This court-approved, legal, DNA testing is done in an accredited laboratory. I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. Is there a marriage license to prove that? Since Jesus said, I AM the. ----- Original Message ----- If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. (Doc. Yes, they were mailed out yesterday. the building permit for that construction, the I NEVER said that I thought Brandy's second child was yours. Right? If I have misinterpreted any of these publicly obtained documents, chronologically or in any other way, I invite any reader to show me my error and I will correct it. Each series of DNA tests costs approximately $450.00. And then they brought him back to Illinois. Around September 2007, when Danny Shelton stepped down from being the visible president It was only a short time before a specific date was chosen for the testing to be done that he, without any explanation, dropped the demand for $10,000.00. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton. An international Christian radio and television network based in West Frankfort in southern Illinois and the brother of the network's founder were named in a federal child-sex-abuse lawsuit filed in Chicago on Monday. I have no goal in collecting money from you or anyone else. You say you will do something - - - - then you add conditions that make it certain that you will NOT have to do what you SAY you WILL do. I cant read his mind to detect the reason, but I had told him repeatedly that demanding that I or anyone else put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested certainly made him look guilty. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. I have to get her consent since it is her daughter but I don't see that as a problem especially when I can let her know that you will be paying us $10,000 to see the results that I am not the father. 3ABNs Biblical programs address topics ranging from current Christian concerns to Bible prophecy seminars. Siblings can often have fairly close DNA matches as they are often chosen as organ donors. Weekend church services meet the needs of those unable to attend their local church, and other programs address viewer questions on Bible topics. Please notice that I did NOT bring it up. Vegetarian cooking programs feature recipes showing viewers how to cook with less added fat, salt, and sugar. No Brandy's daughter is not my daughter. She responded that she wanted to drink the juice from the can in which the meat substitute Fri-Chik was packed. Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 But it seems no one cares at all and Brandy is accepted with open arms by the very same people who have destroyed LindaSheltons reputation throughout the world with FALSE accusations of the SAME sin. But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. 3ABN television networks are available viewing worldwide through various ways and platforms like international satellites including DISH Network (United States), local downlink stations, and over-the-air stations (United States), cable television, Internet, YouTube, Facebook, 3ABN+ app with Apple and Android mobile devices, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Smart TVs, Android TV, Apple TV (4th and 5th Generation and future), 3ABN networks are available via FaithStream (Australia), MySDATV, Interless Box by MySDATV, Verizon FiOS, Skitter TV, Truli, Transvision NetWork (France, Antilles-Guyana and Reunion), VAST Satellite (Australia), Sky Cable (Philippines), and Cignal (Philippines), and MyTVToGo (worldwide). And I know that the Lord sees everything we do, so my word is good. And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. Are you willing to do that? The stated goal of 3ABN's programming is a blend of family and social programs, health and lifestyle, gospel music, and a wide variety of Bible-based presentations. That is obviously the reason she was forced to sign a Silence Agreement under the threat of receiving NO compensation at all when she was thrown out of 3ABN by Danny and the Board, if she did not sign it. A satellite uplink dish manufacturer agreed to begin building a nearly $400,000 satellite dish with only $10,000 down payment, and over the next few months, studio and office facilities were built and equipment was purchased and installedwithout incurring any debt! She was clearly angry, even though she (apparently) had willingly signed the consent to be tested and have Trinity tested. I just asked him if he was willing to document with DNA testing what he claimed to be true. As we grieve his loss, we take comfort in the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:14, which reminds . I stayed there three or four days and gave her a whole set of my videos, educated her about God's Health Plan, taught her daughter Tammy how to cook healthful food for her and make the juices, prayed with her and told her the importance of following God's Ten Step health Plan with 100% commitment, including learning to FORGIVE everyone who has ever wronged you, including learning to LOVE one's enemies, including learning to be totally Unselfish, including learning to truly trust in God. . I will swear that before God. The abuse continued for a year, according to the suit. I guess I should just let you believe what you want as you are as bad as Joy and Pickle in making claims YOU CANNOT PROVE. Updated 6/22/2011 Today, 3ABNs lineup of television networks consists of 3ABN, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Proclaim!, 3ABN Russia, 3ABN Dare to Dream Network, 3ABN Kids Network, and 3ABN Franais. It is abundantly clear that there is NO evidence that Linda Shelton committed adultery with anyone at anytime during her marriage to Danny Shelton. I just said that it would be a touchy situation, meaning that she was pregnant and apparently unmarried and working in a Christian environment that usually frowns on a situation like that. Danny admitted to me that they did that. But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. - I was only given Xerox copies which, of course, can be altered), 2) to take a picture of the child, 3) to have the social security numbers of those tested, 4) to take fingerprints of those tested. I was only allowed to hear select portions of the tape. Judge RejectsPlea Deal. Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. A few months later, he moved his toiletries and other things out of the bathroom that he had shared with Linda for years, into a separate bathroom in their home, and simultaneously began regularly working out at home, something he had never done before, subsequently purchasing a Bowflex gym set to begin vigorous bodybuilding. Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? I asked Danny to have each person bring the two required pieces of U.S. government approved Identification (usually a passport and a government issued I.D. She was miserable and decided to give up. Thousand Palms, CA 92276. No one has a biblical right to accuse me of something without proof. She was the scapegoat who was thrown overboard to save the sinking ship. Will you give me a direct "Yes" or "No"? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. When I know I am right I don't consider that to be gambling because I am not taking a gamble or risk when there is 0 chance that I could be wrong. As to the other charges about this woman, I later learned from Linda in 2008 that, according to her, she had not given her heart to any other man while she was married to Danny and she did love Danny, and very much wanted to remain married to him at that time. (End of pertinent section of Dec. 23, 2008 e-mail). (Doc. As I said, she may have come to 3ABN AGAIN in Nov. 2004, but YOU were looking for housing for her in August of 2004. and I worked with her at 3ABN either in 1999 or 2000. Free Shipping over $50.00 of qualifying products. We are all accountable to the Lord for our actions. You can keep telling me - till the cows come home - that she wasn't there at that time. I then asked if the woman had committed physical adultery with another man, and he answered, No. I asked, Does the wife still want to be married to her husband? Danny Sheltons answer was, No. But I later found out that last answer by Danny was not true! Box 8 This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. Brandy apparently unmarried at the time - became pregnant by Shawn Brannack, and gave birth to daughter Jody, Nov. 15, 1993. The testing was done with a home kit and not in the presence of a third party or at a certified DNA testing laboratory or with government identification documents. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. 3ABN International Channel airs much of the same programming as our flagship 3ABN channel, but at hours more suitable for Europe, Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific.) This is the tape that Danny claims as proof that Linda was having an adulterous affair with the doctor. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? I have not posted these documents maliciously, I just want to know the truth as everyone should. Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. Also when you make a statement "But it is publically known that You Personally were looking..blah blah blah. I was just referring to the fact that Brandy was pregnant and apparently not married at the time, and that would be a touchy situation for her to be working in a Christian institution that does not condone pregnancies out of wedlock, and that would have been a probable reason that she would have quit - back in 1999 or whatever year she became pregnant. She even rudely accused me of having Alzheimers. 5. These apparent discrepancies require in-depth follow-up. Beans are relatively high in protein and a sick person has difficulty digesting them, plus they often produce gas and bloating that can cause great discomfort and the inability to eat. 4. examination of 2 pieces of government issued I.D., such as a Drivers license and a Passport. To answer your question. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and are governed by a Board of Directors who work very hard behind the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission. But he did. Why would you accuse me of trying to cover up such a thing. In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. Danny signed in April 2008, determining how they would divide their assets and liabilities if Danny has a daughter and eight grandchildren. Danny has very deep pockets. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, The parties acknowledge that the Husband had a home which he was awarded pursuant to his agreement In these results the DNA testing laboratories do not explicitly state that Brandy Shelton is the mother of the child tested, and I am not schooled in reading DNA test results, so I dont know. But no one thinks you are an idiot. And I will return it to you as soon as I listen to it and I will not make a copy. If you do send it, I will do exactly what you ask me to do. In fact, Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda Shelton. Irrespective of who owns the car, it is against the law to tape a conversation without both parties knowing it and agreeing to it. What sense would that make? And his answer that the wife (meaning Linda) did not want to remain married to her husband was blatantly false. And, as I said in my last e-mail, your plans began LONG BEFORE Linda ever met the doctor. Well, if Brandy has a right to be angry she should turn her anger either on herself for willingly signing the DNA testing agreement in the first place, or on Danny, as he is the one who brought up the subject of the paternity of Trinity. In addition, according to Illinois law, it is against the law to tape a phone conversation between two people unless BOTH people know it and approve it. I just KNOW that I worked with Brandy at 3ABN LONG before 2004. I have even heard that some at 3ABN have said, God talks to Danny Shelton, and Danny Shelton talks to us. on sexual assault charges in Virginia on March 16, 2010. Many more things happened in the next few months. Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers as a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and television host before coming to 3ABN, and has been pleased to use all her expertise to launch and manage the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network. that according to their records, 3ABN was still the owner, not Danny. is missing from Part III of Schedule J. Obviously Brandy would know that she is the mother of Trinity. Where is your intestinal fortitude to tackle a difficult problem? I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. "We intend to vigorously defend the good name of our organization.". of March 2010, only three months of payments remain. So, it's my life that is at stake. They would want to make sure that Brandys DNA was close enough to this childs DNA for Brandy to pass as the mother of this child? But when I saw Brandys signature on that document, it looked strange to me, as though it was a mans handwriting possibly a forgery of her name. In May of 2000, three months after the birth of Trinity, Brandy married Kevin Murray, (marriage certificate) who is now, or has been, in jail as a drug offender (cocaine and marijuana) according to public records. Then, to his amazement, Hal volunteered to donate the equipment to him a short time later! the Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday from his position as president, naming Greg Morikone, who currently serves as vice president and production. certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given The power company response? In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. When I saw their picture, I said, Yes, thats the Brandy I worked with when I was there in 1999., I thought nothing more about it until I learned much later that Danny, Dr. Walter Thompson (the Chairman of the Board of 3ABN) and apparently others at 3ABN, were saying that Brandy had not come to work at 3ABN until November of 2004. Otherwise, why wouldnt they produce it! Now, why would I say that? That will all come out in due time. But Christians should have a much higher standard for their actions than the unfair laws of a corrupt State bureaucracy. The flagship program, 3ABN Today, airs daily and features interviews with guests from around the world, as well as a variety of musical artists. He continued to work for Ezra Church of God until the early 1990s. And why would Danny Shelton try to extort $10,000.00 from me, a friend who had helped his family in the past? I'll let that one rest. Just what claims am I making that I cannot prove? Please re-read my e-mail. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. One board member who has been repeatedly touted by Danny Shelton as having counseled Linda about her marriage problems actually gave her NO counsel at all. But where is the significance of this name for Brandy prior to her association with Danny? She later called me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice. Again, I said, What do you mean by Chik juice? There you go again. Noting that 2,500 new Christians needed a place to worship, 3ABN purchased an unfinished 70,000 square-foot building and began remodeling it to meet this urgent need. Land valued at $96,000 was deeded to Danny Shelton (former president and current trustee/consultant) The dirty laundry is waiting to be exposed. The Morikones discuss the future of 3ABN as well as current challenges, including the network's separation with former 3ABN team member Brenda Walsh. He falsely accused Linda of the sin of which he is guilty. According to Lina, the car in question was solely in her name, but even that fact has nothing to do with Dannys illegal act. My crew and I were in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois, Post Office at 10:30 A. M. on Wednesday morning, April 29. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. We donors have a right to know the truth. Danny is also a composer, singer, and best-selling author. 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danny shelton 3abn biography