navy liberty call announcement

Definition: 4-Day Special Liberty. Bogey Dope - Radio calls to the intercepting fighter giving data on the bogey's position, course, altitude, etc. Aurora, a Boeing subsidiary, was awarded $5.7 million . Flemish To coil a line on deck so that it can run freely while maintaining a seamanlike appearance. Horse-cock - Sandwich meat, usually served at MIDRATS or during relaxed states of GQ, made with mystery meat masquerading as bologna or other lunch meat. I didn't want to even bother going back to get it fixed so I just took it here for same-day service. All-Navy Sports. Feb. 23, 2023. May be operated by a civilian contractor or by ships personnel. May be caused by steam supply problems or other mechanical difficulties. Aka "Khaki Sacker.". "When you guys are done dicking the dog, I could use a hand over here.". Get the details of the current Voyage of LIBERTY PASSION including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9777888, MMSI 369222000, Call Sign WLPI Jackspeak (UK) Language used by sailors. Altitude expressed with respect to sea level (i.e. Some have wooden steps, others have knotted horizontal ropes for that purpose. COG/SOG Course Over Ground/Speed Over Ground, i.e. "The Chief was dripping about the state of the world.". These lifejackets have an orange canvas cover which leaves nasty stains on white uniforms, even when not covered with grease or other crud. Senior MCPO assigned to the unit. Analogous term in UK-based countries is reheat., A-gang - Auxiliaries Division of the Engineering Department. FAG - Fighter-Attack Guy. Also called 'The Aux'. In NATO, the system is the Vulcan Phalanx. Chipping paint would not qualify as EMI, while inventorying the ship's pubs (publications) would. A term indicating sublime indifference to someone elses plight.Dink - Spoken form of 'Delinquent In Qual, pronounced to rhyme with pink. Someone delinquent in PQS qualification points. If an incident is going to happen you can at least get ahead of it and prevent it by staying informed. Crab, crabfat - (RN) A member of the Royal Air Force. The recruit graduation ceremony, also known as Pass-In-Review, is a formal military ceremony which honors your recruit's hard work and dedication to a new way of life, and ties together the future of the Navy with our long-held Naval traditions and customs. Mooring Line Lines used to tie the ship to the pier or to another ship. Similar to CANDYASS. Depress the release pushbutton and . Needless to say, should a "kidnapped" person be reported as mustered (either by well . ), or "Seaman Jones". Used as an antipersonnel weapon. See SCUTTLEBUTT. See also MSL. The low note was for the pause and preparatory; the high for pulling on the line. An installation which pairs an AFFF-dispensing system with a PKP-dispensing system. Fast Attack - Refers to submarines whose primary missions are sealane control, anti-shipping operations, anti-submarine warfare, and intelligence operations. (2) Cross-training in another rate. Hardpoint Location or locations on an aircrafts wings and fuselage where weapons or other stores can be hung. Gator Hashmark A grease stain on ones uniform, gained by leaning up against or bumping a wire (cable), many of which are found on and about Gators. Yet every valve needs a pressure release, or it will explode. Other types of arresting gear, ashore and afloat, involve complicated braking mechanisms. Dont break the law and youll be fine. More common in Air Force usage, refers to the backseater (pilot, non-pilot, or NFO) of a 2-place tactical aircraft, aka the bear, or the pitter' (the guy in the pit). Marine Napkin The flap on the front of the traditional 13-button US Naval enlisted uniform trousers. Keelhaul Ancient form of punishment from the days of sail, in which a sailor was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship to the other side with a line. HS Helicopter anti-submarine warfare squadron. Fish Head - (RN) WAFU term for the rest of the RN surface crowd. See GOAT LOCKER. Gonzo Station - The rendezvous point for aircraft carrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. Derives from the historical use of a leather collar or stock to protect the neck from saber cuts. (2) In the days of the straight-deck carriers, the barricade was a series of devices rigged during normal landing operations to prevent an aircraft which failed to trap from smashing into THE PACK, graduating from a low barrier which just engaged the landing gear, all the way to a device more similar to the contemporary one. CBR Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (nuclear) warfare. marked with an 'X' ('X-ray, in the phonetic alphabet) must be closed. Centrifugal acceleration threw the masses outward, so "balls out" refers to maximum possible engine speed. Dogfighting practice. Visit and @LibertyCallDistilling. Responsible for the air-launched weapons. Participants run toward the table and dive onto it face-first. Usually there are two pairs of planes, mounted on bow and stern, or on the fairwater (sail) and stern. U.S. Navy ships anchor in outer Pattaya Bay and liberty parties are ferried to and from shore by local commercial boats, which normally make the run in 15 to 18 minutes. (2) Demerits, or the act of receiving same. WWII. Mass confusion and chaos. FFG Guided Missile Frigate. FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. Milk Bottle Shoulders Refers to someone who is unwilling or unable to shoulder responsibility. Essentially, the angle between the air movement (*not* the horizon!) Generally, two two-hour watches, designated First and Second (or First and Last, RCN), arranged so that personnel on watch can eat the evening meal. Signifies 'Good Job' or 'Well Done.'. Broke Dick Non-functional. Chinstrap - (RM) So tired, usually from running, that one's head drops. The line is laid in a flat, close-coiled spiral on the deck. The seasoned captain knows to place extra NCOs on duty in his company to prevent the opportunity for hazing. BOHICA - Acronym for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.". "Grand Slam with birds" signifies a kill with missiles. The Liberty Program organizes on-base and off-base activities like free food events, game nights, volunteer projects, trips to sporting events, and . Charlie Time - Assigned time for carrier aircraft to land, generally meant as the time that an aircraft crosses the RAMP. Airline Announcements. Ports with no activities except alcohol were the most problematic, so, officers should expect the bare minimum if they plan the bare minimum. Apes on leave throw poop at everyone. The terms meaning today is to reveal a secret. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. See CAPTAIN'S MAST. Drifty A sailor who is not SQUARED AWAY. Sailing ships which were becalmed here often had to throw live cargo such as livestock over the side to conserve water. OUR WEBSITE IS NOW FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Division Officer for MP Division, the group that operates and maintains the ship's main engines. Fancy Dinns (UK) Steak and wine night at sea. Cold Shot A catapult shot in which insufficient end speed is generated. Influence Mine A mine which does not require physical contact to detonate. Aka "Head Up And Locked." or a verb ("Dave FODded his engine last night.") Nowadays more a term of respect for the age of its denizens. Meatball - (obsolete) A system in which a red light was reflected off a large parabolic mirror and projected aft to provide glideslope data to the pilot on approach. Gonk - (RN) To sleep, perchance to dream. Log in. Consists of a clear plastic hood and an air bottle, used to escape from smoke-filled spaces. In its original usage, the Dusty was a sailor (Jack, in British naval terminology) assigned responsibility for the bread room, where flour was stowed. without afterburner. MCPOC (pronounced mickpock) Master Chief Petty Officer Of the Command. ANNOUNCEMENTS ** CLPM Corner. Liberty call Bremerton Washington Dec 2017 after six month deployment as viewed from the flight deck to pierside .Sailors coming home to waiting family Banca is literally translated from the Tagalog as boat.. Air Boss The watchstander responsible for the safe operation of the carriers flight deck. tunnel vision. Often referred to as "going high order.". Short-timer's record-keeping. Bumfuck Egypt A (fictitious) bad place to be stationed, or the figurative ends of the earth. Benny Sugg (USN) Beneficial Suggestion program, a program where personnel were rewarded for making suggestions to improve some aspect of military life, usually living conditions. Call the Boatswain's Mates: The boatswain's gang to report. Anchor Pool The betting pool on the hour and minute the ship will drop anchor or tie up. 19 LIBERTY CALL NP I11338RB Bugle: Liberty Cull. Knuckle-dragger - Any sailor whose job requires more brawn than brains. Grace J. Kindred) Boat - (1) Traditional term of reference for a submarine. Personnel can retrieve gear adrift items by working off EMI. A sealed mask with an airhose and a quick disconnect to attach to the main EAB system. Brow The proper term for what is often called the gangway, the temporary bridge connecting the ships quarterdeck to the pier. CAP - Combat Air Patrol. Buddy stores are hung on wing or fuselage hardpoints. Jetsam Objects thrown over the side to lighten ship. As used, its an assignment, not a rank. Generally spoken as 'Charley Oscar'. So called from the name of the officer that regularized the issue of watered rum aboard British ships. G-suit - A piece of gear worn by flight crews in tactical aircraft. Gator Freighter Amphibious warfare cargo ship. CINCHOUSE Commander In Chief of the House, i.e. Henceforth, the strongest drink to be had was coffee. (2) To maintain a specific type of listening watch on a radio net or circuit. From the light blue color of the uniform, which is the same as that of the grease (known as crabfat) used on gun breeches, etc., in the RN. The lens also has red lights mounted on it which can be used to give WAVEOFF and CUT commands. A magnetic or acoustic mine. (2) Penis. Following the war, many of the Liberty ships were purchased for private merchant use. Civvy Street Civilian life.CIWS - Close-In Weapon System, a short-range anti-missile point defense system commonly comprised of a radar system and rotary-barreled Gatling gun. Drilling holes in the water (or ocean) - Term for miscellaneous underwater operations of a submarine. Boom (1) (aviation) Sonic boom. (2) (RN) Ordinary seaman. Messcrank - aka CRANK. (2) Stop, or leave. This is the Hamilton collection. The cocktail revolution is alive and well in beautiful San Diego, a city perched near west coast waters and thriving with a passion for sport sailing, deep sea fishing, diving, and of course good time merriment. Charlie Sierra Phonetic abbreviation for chickenshit. The unnecessarily thorough enforcement of an insignificant or unimportant regulation. Depart, Departure (Aviation) (1) More properly, Standard Instrument Departure (SID). Arriving" immediately followed by, "Secure from Man Overboard". Channel Fever Anxious to get home, or reach port. Ragman'. (2) Date-Time Group, part of the header of a message which indicates the date, time, and timezone of the message's origin. May be due to a crash, location of an aircraft, gear or personnel, or the condition of the deck surface. Related Media. ELSA - (RN) Emergency Life Support Apparatus. Cake and Arse (RNZN) Derogatory term for an officers cocktail party. Blonde and Sweet Coffee with cream and sugar. Golden BB - That one bullet or shell that ruins your (or your opponents) day in a dogfight or when conducting ground attacks. Conning (1) Giving orders regarding the maneuvers of a ship. (2) Diver, especially a "hard hat" diver (i.e. Buffer - (UK) The senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain's Mate. AGL (Aviation) Above Ground Level. Call the Ball - A radio transmission to a pilot requesting that he report when he has sighted the BALL during approach to the carrier, or the action of reporting same. Unauthorized footgear for a while, but recently re-approved for all USN service communities. Their unofficial motto is "We hide with pride." Also used as a phrase in flag or Morse comms. Bloggins - (RN) The catch-all name. Also serves to alternate the daily watch routine so sailors with the midwatch one night will not have it the next time. Clear Datum - (1) (Submarine) To leave the area where you have been detected (see DATUM). Hatch - An opening in the deck, and its closure. Yet another shipmate, Richard Higgins (SK1 81-85) has departed on Eternal Deployment. elevators, ailerons, etc. Calve The process whereby icebergs form, as chunks of ice fall from a glacier into the sea. Control Surface In aircraft, aerodynamic parts moved to effect maneuvers, e.g. The result of the vector addition of ships heading and speed through the water, and speed/direction of winds and currents. Energy is stored in the rotor as rotational momentum, then expended to slow the decent and cushion the landing. Grand Slam Radio call for the successful SPLASH (destruction) of an air contact. Fig Spoken form of the ship designation FFG (Guided Missile Frigate). MAD - (1) Magnetic Anomaly Detector; as in MAD boom, MAD bird. Can be used for various applications, such as maintaining clean airflow in the engine, anti-icing, air conditioning, or to provide start air to another engine. Grinder (1) Obstacle course. Usually implies that all his assigned work is done and he is not in trouble at the moment. Refinements such as the need to engage "arresting gear" with ones toes, "crash and smash" teams using pitchers of beer to extinguish post-crash fires, etc., are common. for SAR operations). It is an immediate indication of risk to youif an object has no bearing drift and range is decreasing, for example, you will collide unless one or another (or both) platforms maneuver (see CBDR). (2) The expendable portion of the XBT (q.v. It was carried over to the practice of putting ice cream into soda. Call MyNavy Career Center . The word comes from the pidgin English of the old China Fleet for "Come Ashore" money. 'Fox Two' is a heat-seeking missile, e.g. Condition 4 - A material condition of readiness commonly associated with peacetime steaming. (2) Marching ground. Liberty Risk Someone with a reputation for getting into trouble while on liberty. Bitchbox (USN) Intercom or amplified circuit used to communicate between spaces of the ship. More recently, brown footwear is optional, but seldom seen due to tradition. Originally, the bitter end of a mooring line was taken to the bitts to secure it.Bittersweet - A radio call signifying that friendly aircraft are in danger from a surface AAW missile launch, or that the presence of friendly aircraft is preventing a missile shot. Legacy Athletic Liberty Flames Red The Main Event Adjustable Hat. British navy seizes Iran missiles, parts likely Yemen bound . Brown-Shirt (Aviation) A Plane Captain, so called because of the brown jersey he wears; a.k.a. Aurora's contract, which DARPA awarded Jan. 27, was for $5.7 million and could grow to more than $25 million if all options are exercised. VIRGINIA BEACH - Leaders of the Military Resale Joint Buying Alliance announced $140 million in savings for its customers. See BOOMER. the bridge is abaft the bow. A set of FAA-defined criteria for inflight visibility. 673 Responses to LIBERTY CALL: Olongapo City. ); a ship which is adrift (not under power or sail) is under way, but not making way, even though she may be moving with respect to the seabed due to wind and current effects. CPA Closest Point of Approach. Because of its high pitch, it could be heard over the activities of the crew and bad weather. Watchstation of the EOOW. Aka 'barrier'. Gethomeitis The tendency to ignore potentially significant problems when homeward bound. In A-6's, the Bombardier/ Navigator or BN, even though he sits beside the pilot rather than behind. Mind Your Ps and Qs In the past, when sailors were paid and went ashore for liberty, the tavern keepers knew how much they were paid. Buddy Store A self-contained unit which makes it possible for aircraft not originally designed as tankers to deliver a limited amount of fuel to other aircraft. The term originated during the era of wooden ships, when Chiefs were given charge of the milk goats on board. Boot Topping The black paint used at the waterline of many warships. A properly closed hull opening was indicated by a green light. Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind. When comparing another objects (ship, aircraft, missile, etc.) A fire-fighting agent which is mixed with water and sprayed on flammable liquids fires. Dry Thrust (Aviation) Thrust rating of an aircraft jet engine without afterburner. They wear red flight deck jerseys. Dobie - (RCN) Laundry. Youre going to need it, sir or maam. Most common use today is to acknowledge that the LSO has heard the approaching pilot call the ball. Berthing space. Sideburns are authorized but cannot exceed the hair length of the haircut where the sideburns and side of the . Why Choose Us. Goffa - Any non-alcoholic drink (why bother?). If a sailor failed to mind his Ps and Qs, hed come up short (or perhaps be cut off by the bartender). The term originates from the use of semaphore flags for visual signals. LIBERTY CALL FOR DUTY SECTIONS #, #, AND # TO EXPIRE ON BOARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN OF THE . Ostensibly sailors would "sweep up" prior to departure in preparation for the following day. In-flight Arrestment - Occurs during an arrested landing if the hook engages the CROSSDECK PENDANT while the main landing gear are not on deck. H and I - A military mission emphasizing Harassment and Interdiction of enemy forces and supply routes. Transfer is the horizontal displacement of the ship during the same period of time. Lifer (or Lifer Dog) - A career member of the service, or one who has been in a long time. Angled Deck - The landing area of a modern carrier, which is offset 10 degrees to port from the ship's centerline to provide for safe BOLTERs. (2) Uncomplimentary term for a woman. Aka 'pogey bait'. Regular: $6499. For the uninitiated, a police blotter is a public record of arrests made the prior evening. Heave the lead To take soundings by throwing a lead weight ("the lead", rhymes with dead) on a line ahead of the vessel, then pulling the line taut and reading the depth from markers on the line as the ship passes over the weight. Similar to the COB of a submarine. Cold Enough to Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey This term has nothing to do with testicles or primates, and a good deal of debate remains to this day regarding the origin of the phrase. Also used to refer to any unwanted item. Make Way (1) From the Rules of the Nautical Road, when a ship is making way she is proceeding under her own power, whether by engine or sail (or oars, for that matter). - per Mike Kipper By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A pilot's 'passes' (approaches) are critiqued and graded as follows: OK ('okay underline pass') is the elusive perfect pass, and counts as 4 points. Food service personnel, especially nonrated personnel provided by the ship's other departments (non-Supply depts.) Well it could always get worse. Baby Shit Yellowish, evil-smelling grease. The odds that there was a mistake at the lab after post-deployment leave block are slim to none. "Let's go bag some traps." Aircraft damage can result. Dive the intakes - Cleaning engine air intakes, usually by crawling into them. Often a non-rated person. Deflection 1) (Gunnery) The adjustment of fire to the left or right. Aweigh (sometimes seen (improperly) as "away") When a ship raises (weighs) anchor, the anchor is said to be aweigh as soon as it is no longer in contact with the sea bottom. In its simplest form, ships in a column turn in succession, each at the same point, akin to a column movement of marching men. Uk ) the senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief 's... `` sweep up '' prior to Departure in preparation for the following day unable to responsibility... Can be used to tie the ship to the practice of putting cream. Senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain 's Mates: Boatswain... Evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain 's Mates: the Boatswain 's Mates: the Boatswain Mates... Old China Fleet for `` Come ashore '' money recently, brown footwear is,... Live cargo such as livestock over the activities of the Engineering Department dog, I could use hand... 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navy liberty call announcement