umd school of public health dean's list

Kassaraba, Roman Emil Offer, Jacob Zachary Donaldson, Kasey Victoria This recognition will also be noted on the student's transcript. Smith, Camille Noelle Categories: Government. Ferraro, Henry Thomas Montes De Oca, Stephanie Melissa Sterling, Emily Grace Robert C. Orr serves as UMD School of Public Policy dean, United Nations under secretary-general, and special advisor to the UN secretary-general on climate change. CEO, TerpSys. Hafeez, Maria Yin, Jennifer Catrambone, Carolyn Elizabeth Trade, and Industry and a 1992 MPP Graduate of UMD School of Public Policy visited Washington last week with an important message. Vu, Amanda Pham Costa, Marina Reis Bagayoko, Fatim Ben Nabet, Brianna Hope Carr, Adele Naomi Harvey, Daeja Janee Awosika, Damilola Akindele She was a primary architect of the Maryland State Oral Cancer Prevention and Early Detection coalition. Their mission is to delight their customers, challenge themselves, and serve their communities. Delorenzo, Emily Wynne Omotoso, Deborah Toluwanimi Depry, Madison Alexandra Harris, Afia-Grace Lucille-Mae Campbell, Samantha Lien Nguyen, Emily Chaungoc College Park, Maryland, United States . In 2009, TerpSys was named one of the 50 Best Small & Medium Companies to Work for in America by the Society for Human Resource Management and the Great Place to Work Institute, Inc., placing #17 in the small business category. Dr. Ward worked for the City of Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks, and served as a member of the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Recreation Advisory Board and the Los Angeles Commission for Women. Northwestern University, Evanston IL, MD (Honors Program in Medical Education) Zhu, Anny Cheng Antwi, Brittney Diane Martin, Anna Simone Treger, Hannah Rebecca Romero, Luis Gerardo Le, Nancy Van Wu, Shulan Katsigiannakis, Afroditi G Edwards, Camryn Victoria Patel, Rithik Vinit Pesme, Manon Vu, Tina Kamil, Dalya Hassan Harris, Riley Blade Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment. Doppelt, Julia Nicole Gail recently retired and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and golfing. To be on the Dean's List, a student must complete 12 or more credits with a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Ferro, Isabella Rose Warfield, Sophia Anne Dickstein, Samuel Isaac Bonnies interest in the University of Marylands School of Public Health deepened after establishing the Jeanette Beavers Memorial Scholarship for students interested in family therapy. Director, Community Health for Washington D.C. and Suburban Maryland Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Walsemann is the Roger C. Lipitz Chair in Health Policy and Professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park, and a faculty associate at the Maryland Population Research Center. Mann, Grace Nicole Okhuereigbe, Andy Henry Antonopoulos, Sophia Gail Eliker, Amanda Sue He has developed several new academic programs to meet workforce needs, launched a global health initiative and is creating ways for students to take action and engage civically through global experiences and activities focused on promoting social justice and equity and dismantling racism. Glendon, Katelyn Marie Over the course of her career, Gail directed or oversaw numerous mission-focused contracts that address a broad range of public health and social service issues administered by the agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services. Wolfe, Danielle Ann Lock also coordinates AARPs role in the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations. Kim, Audrey Goeun Asjid, Rabia Sahar 110 SpHC 1216 Ordean Court Duluth, MN 55812 United States. Cory Easton85 (Physical Education) Collazo, Rachel Elise Brunke, Anthony Rashad Hodges, Kathryn Rose Harris, Sydney Meghan Bousman, Samantha Elena Adeosun, Angel-Shore Ebunola Hammond, Grace Victoria Vo, Jessica Tran Brendel, Samuel Robert Su, Michelle Elizabeth Bekele, Hana 1 hour and 30 minutes Description For her first Dean's Lecture Series as dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, Stephanie Shonekan will be in conversation with legendary singer, activist and philanthropist Dionne Warwick. Franzese, Kayla Gordon, Isabella Agnes Marsono, Aisha Mustikarini The SPH fitness center and weight room are available for use by RecWell members , including UMD faculty/staff with a limited access membership , while the matted room and gymnasium are available for rental only. Lovett, Rebecca Ann Jones, Alexis Nicole Lawn, Margot Elizabeth She is a 2021 recipient of the University of Maryland School of Public Health Distinguished Terrapin Award. Mathews, Kathleen Acheson Sandhu, Manmeet Kaur Luna, Emily Sophia Suraj, David Lolli, Emily Christina Azobua, Eseose Ejehiorkhin Ernest, Brooke Elizabeth The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Scott-Shedrick, Ashante Kliah Fox, Lani Marie Reyes, Tiffany-Ashley R Chan, Jasmine Leila-King Hannapel, Leland Joseph Deleon, Grace Rosario Wakefield, Rachelle Marie Shaughness, Jenna Nicole Cremeans, Nathan Lee CityHealth, the BUILD Health Challenge and the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey are among the national projects he has helped create at the foundation. University of Maryland School of Public Health 1 year 6 months Research Assistant, Monitoring & Evaluation . Lufsey, Emily Sarah Grimaldi, Joshua Ryan Maureen Mo Bryant01 (Family Studies) Seid, Raya Paige Her professional career has included working on active military duty as a research hematologist and clinician at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Research Institute, retiring at the rank of Colonel, and at the National Institutes of Health in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, where she directed the extramural hematology division and then served as Acting Director of the Institute. The University of Maryland School of Public Health's leadership team includes Dean Boris Lushniak, his office of associate and assistant deans, administrative operations staff and the chairs of the 7 academic departments and units. Bangudi, Monique Maleka Ph.D. 79 (Biomechanics and Anatomy) Principal Scientist at HumRRO. Kaplan, Lindsay Ilyssa Nguyen, Nieny Thi Holt, Fern Eleanor Green, Matthew Ryan Congratulations to the 1,148 Spring 2022 semester Dean's List awardees from the University of Maryland School of Public Health! Bussanich, Rachael Nicole In 1984, he completed his MPH degree at Harvard University. Hartmuller, Reiley Cecilia Pullano, Kerry Jane Rajabi Abhari, Delara Brodeur, Madison Anne Beverly, Jiani Toure Cloutier, Molly Elizabeth He also directed the industrys landmark campaign to end child labor in sports equipment production. Hasan, Sania Malaika Walther, Gracie Ann Salko, Katherine Anna Yeager, Natalie Marie This year's themeThe Changing Climate and Healthwill showcase new research into how climate change and health care reform are impacting population health. Catalano, Julia Rose Macatula, Daniella Marie Sebastian Gomez, Emma Morgan Gonzalez, Daniel Omar Rivera Sanchez, Estefany Yamileth Canavan, Maura Catherine Nam, Diana Yewon Dr. Horowitz served on the recent Institute of Medicines panel, Advancing Oral Health in America and she is a 2012 recipient of the University of Maryland School of Public Health Distinguished Alumnus Award. Cicala, Natalie Paige Gedz, Danielle Rose Mercer, Claire Marie Mazzoni, Lucille Ann Griffin, Grace M Munds, Ian Christopher Tezera, Atnafework Brown, Mellissa Kimani Romero Duarte, Fernanda Del Pilar Stratford University was a private university based in Virginia. Russell, Amanda Taylor A subject of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment has his blood drawn, c. 1953. Villegas, Samantha Lizett Bedasso, Hibist Solomon Lin Chen, Alicia Gagnon, Alyssa Paige Doddi, Siri Chandana Rossi, Jennifer Theresa Choi, Judy Sooyon Manzoor, Sabrina Pervaiz McConkey, Sydney Leigh Gahwyler, Olivia Rose Chowdhury, Tanjum Muhith Tapiro, Tahel Dean of the School of Public Health Boris Lushniak, M.D. Professor and Dean, School of Public Health Boris D. Lushniak, MD, MPH, leads the School of Public Health, the University of Maryland's youngest (est. Berk, Colleen Grace Barrow, Nadaija Faith Arizabal, Jucel Ann Cabrera Alice Horowitz, Ph.D.92 (Health Education) Sampson, Noella L. Haber, Devin T She also serves on the Advisory Boards of the National Museum of Women in the Arts and Womens Health Access Matters, which seeks to increase the awareness and research funding for womens health. Morrison, Emily Jean Kremer, Katerina Maria Alice Masi Fleytas, Paula Beatriz Poisal, Marisa Kathryn Contreras, Victor Manuel Arsenault, Marisa Gwyn School of Public Health - Dean Transition: March 2022: 2218: Family Medicine and Community Health: March 2022: 2219: UMD Health Services: May 2022: 2220: Housing and Residential Life: May 2022: . Catalano, Jenna Marie Advancing Public Health Research & Practice, Student Organizations, Honor Societies and Honor Programs, Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct. O'Rourke, Sydney Erin She is an independent consultant in philanthropy and non-profit management. Hasan, Anoosha Diven, Lynne Marie Ibrahim, Mennatalla Haytham Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL, Master of Public Health (MPH) Peng, Rachel Noelle Kurniawan, Phoebe Candace Coleman, Nadia Elena Ha, Jennifer Diem She was previously vice president of marketing for a commercial real estate company. Shapiro, Karen Robin Mockenhauptis a national philanthropic and non-profit leader in population health, with a lifespan focus from maternal and child health to healthy aging. Filler, Logan Elizabeth Wagner, Jordan Dawn Oregon Health and Science University Portland, Oregon Research Associate. is a Professor of Recreation and Tourism Management at California State University, Northridge. for 1+3, enter 4. Milliman, Grace Autumn Bliss, Rosemary Leigh Acosta, Alyssa Maria Hannigan, Kaitlyn Anne Students are required to complete a minimum of 42 credits to earn the MPH degree as shown below: MPH Degree Requirements Core Courses - 24 credits Concentration Courses - 12 credits Fieldwork Experience - 4 credits The fieldwork experience is obtained through the Public Health Practicum course. Emam, Arian Davoud Kim, Bathsheba University of Maryland School of Public Health | College Park MD McKibbin, Trevor Jason Sarah Lenz LockSenior Vice President for Policy and Brain Health, AARP. Congratulations to the 1,280 Spring 2021 semester Dean's List awardees from the University of Maryland School of Public Health! Herbert, Heydy Daniela Rajabi Abhari, Ali McClure, Reese Ann Mr. Cohen was a co-founder and senior executive of XLHealth, the nations leading Medicare Advantage chronic special Needs Plan, which was acquired by United Healthcare. Franco, Yury Stephanie Reilly, Kaitlyn Anne Drain, Alyssa Michelle Lock is a frequent writer and public speaker on issues related to healthy aging. Population health, aging and the life course, dementia, student debt, education and social policy, health in . Granito, Hannah Nicole List of Jobs; Post a Job; . Assadi, Beata Badiee Lascasas, Lia Marie Mbaye, Fatima Kine Lugassy, Elinor Marcelle Butler, Brooke Elizabeth Tawfik, Aeshah Essam Bowman, Donovan Jamal Higdon, Grace Dahye Fernandez, Sara Michelle Perndreca, Britney Zhang, Joel Shenghau Wambo, Francoise Manuela Laserson, Shira Beth Kissner, Marina Lorin Meyer, Annika Ingrid Francis Co-Founder, Partner & Chief Sales Officer, Confidio. Manzo, Nicholas Medina Stratton, Shavonta' Carolyn Kim, Julia Jihyun Samadnejad, Atrine Denicoff, Talia Sarah Slaughter, Nathan Michael Maroa, Sandra Robi Dean, Caleb Joseph Strong, Tomika Chantel Ernst, Jillian Elizabeth Kaylie, Jamie Elizabeth In addition to her role on the School of Public Health Deans Council, Mo serves on the YWCA National Capital Area and Mentors, Inc. boards of directors and recently served on the Washington, DC Police Foundation Board. Ethan, Julia Cider Devito, Bianca Maria Baier, Aubrey Elizabeth Habib, Maniza Armin Farmer, Jennifer Belle She is currently the Chair of the Board of the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, which provides courses and workshops for NIH fellows and post-doctoral students, as well as members of the public. Ezuma-Ngwu, Mmasinachi Yvonne-Marie Fahmy, Sally Antoinette Elk, Sara Mikayla Tuttle, Charles Joseph Butler, Samuel Markey Blum, Caroline Louisa He also served on assignments in Bangladesh, St. Croix, Russia, and Kosovo, was part of the CDC/NIOSH team at Ground Zero and part of the CDC anthrax team in Washington, DC. The School of Public Health (SPH) Fitness Center (0101) and Weight Room (0103) are located adjacent to the Eppley Recreation Center. Leubecker, Hannah Anne Tsimberg, Roza Anna Dwomoh, Deborah Asubonteng Clark, Emily Marie She is also a member of Marymount University's Masters in Healthcare Management Advisory Council, the Economic Club of Washington DC and Leadership Greater Washington Class of 2020. Weber, Aimee Michelle A firm believer in leadership by example, Dr. Lushniak also promotes the core messages of the National Prevention Strategy via his active lifestyle. In 1993, he completed a dermatology residency at the University of Cincinnati and established an occupational skin disease program at NIOSH. Bid Contract conducts daily searches of government bids, contracts, RFPs, RFQs/RFIs, projects and other government procurement opportunities published by federal, state, county, city, municipal, town agencies, and government agency buyers such as colleges, universities, school districts, hospitals, correctional facilities, water districts, public utilities, police and fire departments. Mammen, Deanna Hirpara, Gayatri Yogesh Irving, Isabella Rose Brown, Georgi Elizabeth Ngala, Bianca Jabosung She has taught extensively, authored and revised curricula, incorporated community-service learning into courses, and served in a variety of administrative roles including department chair. Kanipakam, Supraja Dr. Gebhardt has testified as an expert witness in a class action (Title VII) and ADA litigation, along with arbitrations regarding the physical assessments, ADA issues, and medical guidelines used for selection and retention for public and private sector personnel. Dailer, Margaret Grace He currently sits on the board and various committees for a regional nonprofit health care organization operating in the Baltimore area. Carnevale, Camille Dr. Lushniak will officially assume his new role on January 9, 2017. Miller, Katherine Rose Cohn, Sara Madison Domingo, Ron Jako Darantinao Office of Multi- Ethnic Student Education (OMSE) Office of the University Registrar Orientation Pre- College Programs Pre- Health Professions Advising and Programs Pre- Law Advising Program Pre- Transfer Advising Student Success Office Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC) Tutoring To delight their customers, challenge themselves, and serve their communities delight their customers, themselves. Professor of Recreation and Tourism management at California State University, Northridge United States filler, Logan Elizabeth,! Completed a dermatology residency at the University of Maryland School of Public Health Hannah List... Customers, challenge themselves, and serve their communities California State University,.. United States Nicole Gail recently retired and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and.. And serve their communities the Tuskegee syphilis experiment has his blood drawn, 1953! 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umd school of public health dean's list